Brigitte's Blogging Adventures

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go"- T.S. Eliot

21st Century Learners- Learning Artifact of First Semester

Multiliteracies Case Study

Collaborative project that my partner and I did for Multiliteracies, regarding a group project we created with highschool students from Esquimalt High on climate change and plastic pollution.


Inquiry Project and Tech Inquiry

Summary post on Place-Based Apps for outdoor learning, tying into my inquiry project on “Artdoor Ed”, incorporating more of the outdoors into art and other classrooms.

Place-Based Apps-blog post


Museum Project

Another collaborative project I got to be a part of took place on site at the Royal BC Museum with another colleague and a group of grade 9 and 10 students. The project focused on inclusivity, especially in public places, and gave students the opportunity to add to or alter a specific spot in the museum that needed reworking under an inclusive context. Our group focused on the climate change hallway, making it more engaging to youth and accessing alternative senses like sight and sound to liven the space.

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